Brandle Social Media Governance Blog

3 min read

Brandle Tasks! Easier Governance for Remote Workers

March 19, 2020

We are fortunate that much of the Tech industry is able to work from home during our current Covid-19 pandemic. Brandle fully supports our employees to be remote workers during this time, and we are ready to help our customers in anyway we can. This is why we turned our attention to release a new feature set called Tasks

We know that teams get into their own work rhythm inside a company. Managing team duties and tasks around social media and digital governance can be more complicated when everyone is working from home. So we decided to create some features to make it easier for remote workers. Brandle Tasks has been on the development roadmap, but we expedited the code and testing this past week to help our customers who are newly working from home. This feature is offered to all of our customers at no additional fee.

Brandle Tasks can now help you manage team responsibilities, track specific tasks, and mark them as complete from within the Brandle System.

Tracking Tasks Across Brandle

There is now a “Tasks” tab in Brandle, which is the location where all Tasks within the system are centralized. However, Tasks can be assigned not only on the Tasks tab, but in the POP Inventory (relating to a specific POP), within Domains (relating to a specific domain), within Ad Accounts (relating to a specific Ad Account), and within Contacts (relating to a specific person). So Tasks are a key feature that runs throughout the Brandle System.
Tasks allows you to assign projects or tasks to yourself or your colleagues that have a User Role within a Brandle Entity Account. A larger project may be assigned to a team member with a detailed description so key governance projects are highlighted within the system. Tasks can also be associated with a specific item so you can ensure details with these items are addressed and documented. Specific items may include social media points-of-presence, ad accounts, websites, domains, or contacts that are within a Brandle Entity Account. 
Tasks may be reassigned to other team members and the completion status tracked. As tasks are assigned or their status changes, the relevant parties will receive a notification in the Brandle Notification Center and also an email providing the details of the tasks current status. Like all the other objects you track in the Brandle Presence Manager, Tasks supports Notes and an Event Log for collecting a history of what has happened with the work assigned.
Brandle_Tasks Tab

Ideas for Using Brandle Tasks 

There are many ways to use Tasks.

The first idea may be to set up key reminders. Set reminders to:
  • Perform action at a platform after a mandatory waiting period.
  • Review compliance on a specific set of regulated POPs to meet governance schedule.
  • Renew domain names with specific expiration dates.

You may also have corporate transitions to consider:

  • Ensure all credentials to social media accounts of newly acquired company are captured. Then change credentials, and put into governance process.
  • Confirm transfer all domains from old domain company to new company in the DNS.
  • Transfer all POPs managed by Susie Smith to Jacob Davis as new social media account manager. Ensure change of credentials and secure tool chain.

Governance Procedures may also be an area to assign Tasks and set deadlines:

  • Task global social media managers to update account credentials and record them in the corporate password vault.
  • Assign a governance team member to confirm global social media managers use (and only use) the approved tools for every account.

These are just a few ideas, but every company has their own processes, standards, and requirements. What are the processes that Tasks can make easier in your digital governance process?

Brandle Tasks is a new feature and we are working closely with our customers to expand and streamline your workflows. It is our goal to ensure that social media and web presence governance, compliance and security efforts are as easy as possible.

For our current customers, we hope this new feature helps you continue to work as a solid team, even when you are (currently) remote workers.

If you'd like more ideas about providing strong social media governance during this time, read this blog by our CEO, Chip Roberson.

If you are not a Brandle customer and would like to see Brandle Tasks and other Brandle features in action, feel free to contact us.

Janet Church
Written by Janet Church

Janet is a co-founder of Brandle, and is focused on Marketing and the Customer Experience.

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