A web presence is a location on the World Wide Web where a person, a business, a community, or other entity is represented.
Examples of a web presence for a business, or other professional entity, include:
Note, a business does not always have control over all of their web presences.
Individuals can also have a variety of web presences associated with them like personal websites, blogs, profile pages, Wikipedia pages, or social media points-of-presence. (An individual’s social media account may also count as a point-of-presence for their employer, especially when acting as an employee brand ambassador.)
Every piece of a company’s web presence is associated with a unique web address to distinguish one point-of-presence from another.
Web presence management is the process of establishing and maintaining a digital footprint on the web.
Businesses require an understanding of their digital footprint to 1) protect themselves from risks online and 2) strengthen their brand. Web presence management is strongly associated with social media governance and compliance. This comprehensive digital approach allows companies to mitigate risks, neutralize potential problems (like counterfeiters), and create a uniform brand presence which customers can trust as it is consistent across the web.
Through web presence management, companies are able to determine three different threat vectors: non-compliant POPs, attached tools to POPs, and unknown POPs. Companies can also implement regulatory compliance, reduce corporate risks, and strengthen brand standards with web presence management.
Web presence management is the discipline of determining and governing:
The purpose of a web presence management system is to manage the web presence of a business. This includes the collection of domain names, websites, social media, and other digital accounts where it is being represented (authorized or unauthorized). A web presence management system generally offers the following key functions:
This presentation highlights the six phases of social media governance to protect your brand online. After reading these phases, you'll be on the right track to developing your own corporate social media governance program based on the best practices of global corporations.
Accomplishing actions like new presence discovery or inventory management without the aid of a web presence management system is next-to-impossible for most large corporations. With the Brandle Web Presence Manager, companies can gain control of how their brand is represented across the web.
To see the power of managing an entire corporate web presence (social media accounts, websites, blogs, microsites) with Brandle, contact us and request a demo today!
Brandle®, Inc. is dedicated to providing a comprehensive system for companies to manage the properties of their brands, identities, and relationships across the web and on all major social networks including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, VK, and more. It is our mission to be the trusted source for social media governance and web presence management and to provide functionality that helps every enterprise manage, secure, and protect their brands.
©2022 Brandle, Inc. All rights reserved.
Why Is Web Presence Management Important?